Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Here’s a question. Why do we need to figure out what created the Big Bang? With history’s most expensive, and largest chemistry set of particle accelerators now set in motion underground in between 3 European countries, and with Stephen Hawking and other scientists at the helm; I get a sense that this is one more un-new thing under the sun that attempts to give credence to idea that we can explain away the mystery of creation, or how things came into being. For some reason this smacks of Genesis 11; Tower of Babel to me as I hear the news.

A synopsis for those who don’t know the account: (Warning! This blog may have offensive material for those who to do not want to investigate the truth claims of the Bible.)

Two created beings: Adam and Eve, that had perfect fellowship with a creator God; then they got a bit hungry and chose to eat from a tree. Out of the multitude of fruit trees that were available; they chose the One tree that they were directed not to eat from; being deceived that it was because God was a mean controller; that didn’t want His creation to be as great as Him.

This tree gave them knowledge of good: how to do and make things, how to organize and somewhat maintain order, but it also let them know evil; not just the murderous twirl the moustache evil, but I believe also the evil of utter self-confidence. I believe this will flesh out as we go.

Years (read: hundreds) pass by. Along comes the kids, and with them murderous sibling rivalry that further devolves into a generation of degenerates that welcomes/invites the Deluge of a creator’s frustration with His creation (aka Flood). Only one man is seen as righteous (Noah) and God saves he and a zoo full of animals on a big boat. From that clean slate of all the “bad apples” one would think everything would be hunky dory, but some of Noah’s lineage decides that they want to build a city, better than that, a towered city that reaches the heavens. Partly they may been thinking ‘head for higher ground, can’t trust that God to never again flood the Earth’. But, this may just be the start of the age old problem of; creating comfort, and excess that leads to self reliance, and self absorption.

I invite you to look at the passage in Genesis 11, and see not just what is being said in words in that situation for those people, but at what is being said between the lines about our attitudes, and focus as human beings.

I am not against science (observing and analyzing the created order); even at the sub-atomic level. I am astonished and am amazed to think of the smallest particles that make up our body, and all that we see; are actually in their own sustained universe/microcosm. What I have a question about is not what they are doing, but how (attitude) the work is being done. It seems that the unsaid motive of this “experiment” is of conquest. Explain dark matter, and you solve black holes, explain black holes, you answer the Big bang; answer the Big bang, and you can explain away the necessity of a creator God.

In this blog, I am not worried that scientists may find evidence for the Big bang; for even the Bible states that God said ‘let there be light’, and then bang, there it was. If that was a Big bang that a powerful Creator used; fine by me. I am more interested in giving thought to why we (humanity) are driven to solve this issue.

How often have I said if only I knew how to fix such and such issue (big or small); life would be so much better. At no point, am I completely satisfied until I have that solution or fix to my problem/issue/curiosity. There will always be at least a desire, or at least a drifting daydream of achieving that “unattainable” something that draws our attention away from a state of contentment.

In the account of the building of the Tower of Babel; you have a group of people who see a plain of land, and start up a brick manufacturing plant; instead of finding stones in the field. This was a highly motivated crew to build a tower “to reach the sky” in a short amount of time. God said ‘Let’s go have them speak different languages; so to put the kibosh on this lego tower’. Why? Did God fear mankind would build a tall enough tower to hop into heaven and frustrate His plans of man not getting in except through His son, Jesus 3 millennia later? Perhaps it is more of a parent’s concern over their children’s proximity, and attraction to a hot stove.
Also in this account God says, if we don’t stop them now; they (humanity) will be capable to do anything. Again, are we seeing a mad scientist God, who is afraid of being overrun by His experiment? Or, is there a concern that his created children will end up completely deceiving and destroying themselves with this knowledge/ability.

I believe with the Hadron Collider; there is a group of highly motivated and talented people who want not just to build a experiment to observe creation, but like the people in Genesis 11, want to make a “tower” to heaven, or in this case a tunnel; to assert mankind as the sovereigns of the universe.

My question: Are we content on exploring the vast realm of science for discoveries in creation, or are we bent on conquest of the mystery of creation? I believe we are on the brink of getting what we think we wanted.